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HF 56 (Introduced)
90th General Assembly
relating to the acquisition of water, sanitary sewer, and storm water utilities by rate-regulated public utilities.
SF 98 (Introduced)
90th General Assembly
relating to the investment of certain public funds in companies that are owned or controlled by Chinese military or government services.
SF 421 (Introduced)
90th General Assembly
relating to money transmission services.
The legislative capital projects committee shall do all of the following: Receive the recommendations of the governor regarding the funding and priorities of proposed capital projects pursuant to section 8.3A, subsection 2, paragraph “b”. Receive ...
HF 352 (Enrolled)
90th General Assembly
relating to an entity-level taxation election for pass-through entities and allowing a partner or shareholder to claim a credit against the individual and corporate income taxes and the franchise tax, and including effective date and retroactive appli...
HF 618 (Introduced)
90th General Assembly
relating to commercial transactions, including control and transmission of electronic records and digital assets.
HSB 128 (Introduced)
90th General Assembly
relating to money transmission services.
All capital projects on the capitol complex shall be planned, approved, and funded only after considering the guiding principles enunciated in any capitol complex master plan adopted by the commission on or after January 1, 2000. At a minimum, the ext...
HF 352 (Reprinted)
90th General Assembly
relating to an entity-level taxation election for pass-through entities and allowing a partner or shareholder to claim a credit against the individual and corporate income taxes and the franchise tax, and including effective date and retroactive appli...
HF 352 (Introduced)
90th General Assembly
relating to an entity-level taxation election for pass-through entities and allowing a partner or shareholder to claim a credit against the individual income tax, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.